[hh-announce] Sign up in up!

Silv3r silver at mindgrep.com
Sat Mar 14 11:34:56 UTC 2015


Informally, the event will commence from first week of May itself, with the
commencement of month long Himalayan code school. We will have internet,
food, some rooms. The venue is going to be the sprawling lustrous woods of
Shiva Shakti guesthouse.  We will (ourselves) build temp structures and
there is plenty of camping space around.

So you can start to unleash your creativity and help organize hillhacks. We
welcome you to join us much before the main event starts on 23rd May.

So go ahead and sign up, even if you are not sure yet whether you are
coming! Convince your friends. Get your gizmos and some good people along :)

Lets get hacking!

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